Wednesday, 28 July 2010

AIX : setting old printer in AIX

in Printer:
Go to printer pysically -> "test print" by pushing the button which generates an info page => record the ip and hostname (and queue name if exist)

in AIX:
A. run : vi /etc/hosts -> add the ip and hostname
test ping hostname of the printer

B. smit mkpq
configure remote printer
go to 3rd line options : local printer filtering (dont choose the 1st line -> standard printer)
Put the queuename : infoprint (just an example)
Put the hostname : XXXXXX (printer's ip or hostname listed /etc/hosts)
Put the remote queue : pr1 (this is a common queue name, other printer would be same or maybe lp1)
Choose the printer brand -> IBM -> Others -> Generic -> do not make BOOTP or network start
Note : we choose other as driver becuase this is an old printer

C. Tested by:
lpstat -> Checking if the status is READY, not DOWN.
lp -dtest2 /etc/hosts -> will print a singe line
lp /etc/hosts -> will print whole file
lpr -P queuename /etc/hosts -> will print a file in particular queue name

Friday, 9 July 2010

RPM - source vs binary

reference :

2 kind of packages : binary and source (checked by cmd : file xxxx.rpm)

If it is a source, after you install using "rpm -ivv xxxx.rpm" will generate:
1. patch(es) file
2. SPEC file --> is similar with a Make file
3. xxx.tgz --> in which some files of .c and .h located

From this point the steps would be:
-> BUILD -> BIN RPM package and SourceRPM package
Note: the first source is the original, this one is the one after build. See below.

The normal directory layout consists of a single top-level directory (The default name is /usr/src/redhat), with five subdirectories. The five subdirectories and their functions are:

*/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES — Contains the original sources, patches, and icon files.
*/usr/src/redhat/SPECS — Contains the spec files used to control the build process.
*/usr/src/redhat/BUILD — The directory in which the sources are unpacked, and the software is built.
*/usr/src/redhat/RPMS — Contains the binary package files created by the build process.
*/usr/src/redhat/SRPMS — Contains the source package files created by the build process.